Erfolge feiern


Der Businessalltag kann oft ziemlich herausfordernd sein. Ganz besonders nach einer US-amerikanischen Übernahme. Zu den üblichen Veränderungen kommen Meetings, E-Mails, neue Projekte und vieles mehr. Doch haben Sie eigentlich im Blick, was Sie bisher schon alles geschafft und erreicht haben? Nein? Dann wird es Zeit! In dieser Folge spricht Judith Geiß darüber, warum es so wichtig ist, Erfolge zu feiern und wie das gelingen kann.

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Transkript anzeigen

00:00:00: Übernahme as chance step podcast fun admit you did guys Z on the antenna man's and from Alabama but often.

00:00:08: Doesn T he acknowledged the YouTube guys DX patent for us-amerikanische übernahme NM Dodge Magnum type it in and wait for the tips on track.

00:00:18: I'm taken and busy days of attending physician the unternehmen Mexicana,

00:00:22: pants Nakamoto take the chance how long had / will come to a hiding for a girl does übernahme assures a podcast.

00:00:29: Wanted my stuff admit in double brush person does man a Fargo fire ants all we call me karate yet start off.

00:00:37: Gonzales I was like never home then actual back later is uncool service übernahme projectiles occupation for Android Leisure for the finance up Tyrone.

00:00:49: Mom and Thom Hartmann discuss fuel does does post fuck you back felt the Anne Frank in my may have an unmanned a bun and then you buy breakfast yet.

00:00:58: Educators me off management so we mine Quinton does is iron fuck much more to Feliz

00:01:04: by Artisan of Compton and Frank emails meetings on Dallas

00:01:09: Bossa Nova and I'm puzzled at me let's the water cada Vida in this environment amerikanische unexpressed partner

00:01:17: - not fast version Alice in the Nets Wagner I am not him übernahme folk song water.

00:01:24: Yeah a mask moment mr. Munson

00:01:28: how about after an onside device your convenience sake it and didn't tip Danish - Courtney Maggie but I forget can spur was sofyan then harder is a my father sacrificed in fact steps Ferguson

00:01:40: owned us yeah Niche new information and Alpha D calling me Denise to some abide.

00:01:47: Daya most efficient and height isn't tip often became

00:01:51: I forgot to fire missiles cause I focus on Moses in my energy is infested Susan each Club Earnest we stick is about Desmond says there are four go

00:02:02: demon arrested but was weird

00:02:04: what's in the head until I stopped and some buttermilk yeah man and classic tutoring order I was Ishmael video and take material evening Chocolat

00:02:14: oh - list an archive and opens and closes meeting million colleagues mama.

00:02:19: One dolphin it's inside and from Corona initiated some it's the mother's blood specimens such and fuckin mutilation of iron class sect so to heaven or mouth then avoid ancestors.

00:02:33: She is a non-smoker to us

00:02:34: yeah nice or visualization nice so I'll talk the American has and downs and film photos on photolysis 2 - Isla soccer

00:02:45: DVR funding American an absolute Lankan on TV radio message in ansan I'll talk in the Korean soil.

00:02:52: It's so die here I'm sure Steve Fraga and see vacation effort Captain see what.

00:02:59: Or I guess done what ended let's invoker won't harm cities and could be around gunfire times a year Ahmedabad up I'm firing angle Boonton on happens is herbs from guitar

00:03:09: these Network physician personas of your wedding what's in it so heightened once he steps for Life After shoulder to Club.

00:03:16: Manheim see dust so let's go Matt and vendor Schrodinger here is so once he gets healed now have fallen or names the first for the next Sofia.

00:03:25: Irish men's about the next in photography data bison won't Venture in ancient Iraq.

00:03:31: Then in and he's a firecracker find hearts on see tips on son Reagan and visit MIT named Khan.

00:03:36: Don't find their own spencerian podcast lighter and parent how sodium can see - Dean podcast pecan Tarts American Indians The Honorable Vietnam by Apple podcast dollars.

00:03:45: Music.

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