
Die Übernahme eines Unternehmens durch Amerikaner bringt neben vielen neuen Möglichkeiten auch einige Hürden mit sich. So können etwa anfängliche Sprach- und Verständnisbarrieren den Geschäftsalltag erschweren und Ihnen so manch unangenehme Situation bescheren.

In dieser Episode spricht Judith Geiß darum über folgende, amerikanische Abkürzungen inklusive deren Bedeutung, die Sie kennen sollten, wenn Sie von einer US-amerikanischen Übernahme betroffen sind: SOX, US-GAAP und SSC.

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Übrigens: Noch mehr amerikanische Redewendungen, Vokabeln, Abkürzungen und deren Bedeutungen finden Sie gratis in der praktischen Liste zum Download: (

Transkript anzeigen

00:00:00: Übernahme as chance step podcast fun admit you did guys Z on the antenna man's and Fernando übernahme but often.

00:00:08: Doesn't see here the novice dish you did guys DX patent for us-amerikanische übernahme and employee parking around tight mint in and wait for the tips and tricks.

00:00:18: I'm take in and busy days of her in the home position on the unternehmen Mexicana.

00:00:22: That's not a motto take the chance Holland had / will come to hiding for a goddess übernahme Al Chaucer podcast.

00:00:29: Hi to mr. ich MIT in an Uber tie up cut songs present.

00:00:33: T eaten by übernahme guaranteed pigment been on so I get is so next on the upgrade so

00:00:41: under my skin France has amassed moment bus hottest admit something off the hook.

00:00:48: Then by Sox thank you - that's my data by Sox hundred is assumed in sarbanes-oxley act or Dev Water amiata 2004 I'm referred in an OS are.

00:01:00: That is format supervillains manipulation and come on this is because that sold our first song Dust is known as Viet.

00:01:09: Don't let sin tastes founder and acoustic band saw.

00:01:13: The I know Don dolphin in country list of notable and scandal from Enron and of the Year Jesus cassettes circuit Abba

00:01:22: Michigan was a compass to be lanced condone gonzaque 2ln dodging can be a data set or at least boo button then I'm bashful phone wire Cuts in Via Dusty's out in Deutschland for comped.

00:01:35: Issue presented us Sox Emma how Darwin does is this amerikanische internal control system as

00:01:42: vote for Wendy Stars can solve it by Americans in Vietnam and Felicia's life that in bet abidin glad semakin does is fish dishes

00:01:51: to Wish beispiel TV of interaction term Orlando Sentinel Savannah College of an internal control system.

00:01:58: On sobbin Sox lease quasi done the amerikanische variant Peridot soup yet stock in the direction of the gesellschaft of combat sugar which had some amerikanische concern of anger food venomous.

00:02:12: Narrator information to Sox becomes the sociology in another next and foreign

00:02:17: non-combat about Sue they're swiping up cutting my dad's is this game files mhm Anna übernahme be shifting so these are upgrade some doubted as a safer shared service center.

00:02:29: The meissner amerikanische concerned how to Target Niche men with the Harem and shared service center and Jesus übernahme few of Hilo tournament This concerns.

00:02:41: Bye Spence visor difference for how long has rational space inaudible is reporting the highest

00:02:48: he could shet Surah an attachment or textile shafts in ton of media by Durham shared service center does in the regular Mouse and click on the reason on Kearney so very busy here I don't snap at them again I'm not an actual or threatened to Frank

00:03:03: motions by inan nahanni übernahme Datsyuk come Darcy and shared service center harm,

00:03:10: that's come on V du midi on of 911s come da fun when you can see check in foreign currency paella us-amerikanische and colleague NE of Sanchez service center ham

00:03:21: what versus fizzy be decided then he gave them in files had years so Minister next kind of house we are going off the only article suspicious.

00:03:29: The Twitter app codes on the amalgam 9 amerikanische übernahme in napping most is the upgrades on us-gaap.

00:03:38: These are State for United States generally,

00:03:41: accepted accounting principles won't die and of appearances the Iron Man and I can't manage them sling was concerts there was a I told us-amerikanische relations leggings for shrift.

00:03:52: Want the argument an accountant so far and wiser directionals legal so to SOG that's pain dots on circumduction hi Gabby,

00:04:00: of that so for instance Shaggy beyond your scope on the shine but it is in the next inside I never got to for a girl's name that is a steamer and far-field superstitious OMS it's here wounded suffering.

00:04:12: See you soon Shannon is a try up Gotham taking tight leash on the stage fizzy knock on door nigga standard of diseases would forgotten salt peter scared our fans in the next version,

00:04:26: so I can see a lot of things together have knocked me up create some cancel intensive ICC it's Afters Auto ID him as incline discussion fossa kept on Indian Cinema

00:04:37: when she gets up against Mackenzie Reagan message Mid-American answers Amar Biden.

00:04:44: One of them are in emails or our Bibles measurement do a bundle first day in.

00:04:49: Ben Laden's is a shopping cart is Gilles thermodyne hundred fifty amerikanische and vocabulary.

00:04:55: Could someone unpaid of anyone have under then link that so fantasy and then show notes.

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